The work of The Science of Peace is devoted to the scientific exploration of Peace and Harmony and how those states or ways of being can be attained on an individual and a collective level. Such a science needs to harmonise ancient spiritual wisdom together with philosophical inquiry and scientific research. This presents an immense challenge since the investigation of spiritual values and harmonious states of being have been usually accomplished by introspection, meditation, prayer and other spiritual practices, mostly based on subjective experiences, while scientific research has been approached mostly objectively based on experimental data measured according to data collection standards. However, regardless of the magnitude of this challenge and equipped with ancient texts and stories, modern technology and science and a large number of people whom in one way or another report spiritual experiences in revelatory processes, some have endeavoured to explore this synthesis, ideally for the betterment of humanity towards a peaceful existence.

This paradigm departs from a purely materialistic one, to be able to properly address the challenges and questions at hand, and is based on an all-inclusive, universal framework of spiritual values, inherent in life and nature, continuously shaping human biophysical processes and behaviour. This paradigm is inclusive of the existence of the Creator as the Source of Being, Universal Values and biophysical processes, existing in time and space. Two main questions will be guiding this scientific endeavour: (1) how to attain and maintain peace and harmony at a personal level and express it in social interactions, and (2) how does peace propagate inter- and transgenerationally in the human species.

The two basic working hypothesis for The Science of Peace are: (1) peace is attainable and sustainable at an individual level, and (2) peace propagates through the network of individual human beings and it can reach a metastable state of collective peace.